Gene: AT2G45400

Gene description

TAIR ID: AT2G45400

Short description: NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein

Pathogen responsiveness: -0.89

General responsiveness: 0.33


Rice: No orthologous gene
Maize: No orthologous gene
Wheat: No orthologous gene

GO biological process

regulation of brassinosteroid biosynthetic process, brassinosteroid metabolic process, response to absence of light, flavonoid biosynthetic process, brassinosteroid biosynthetic process, oxidation-reduction process, multicellular organism development

GO cellular component

nucleus, cytoplasm

GO molecular function

coenzyme binding, oxidoreductase activity, acting on CH-OH group of donors, catalytic activity

Protein domain

PfamPF01370, NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family

Metabolic pathway

Not involved in metabolic pathway

KEGG pathway

Not involved in KEGG pathway

Transcriptional regulation

AT1G51600, AT3G16857, AT4G16110, AT2G22300, AT4G36990


Protein-protein interaction network

No Interactor

Differentially expressed condition

7 conditions

SeriesControlTreatmentLog2FCAdj. P value
GSE20278Col, RPL18-HF, control, polysomal RNACol, RPL18-HF, TuMV 10 d, polysomal RNA-1.568.97E-04
GSE37269Ei2, WT, controlEi2, WT, TEV 21 d-3.501.67E-06
GSE37269St0, WT, controlSt0, WT, TEV 21 d-3.444.85E-07
GSE45212Col, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 12 h-1.624.12E-13
GSE45212Col, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 8 h-1.682.06E-13
GSE50526Col, WT, mock 24 hCol, WT, A. brassicicola 24 h-1.864.02E-04
GSE5520Col, WT, control 24 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 24 h-1.573.73E-06

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