Gene: AT1G12240

Gene description

TAIR ID: AT1G12240

Short description: Glycosyl hydrolases family 32 protein

Pathogen responsiveness: -0.79

General responsiveness: 0.72




Maize: No orthologous gene
Wheat: No orthologous gene

GO biological process

response to bacterium, primary root development, sucrose metabolic process, cellular response to gibberellin stimulus, abscisic acid-activated signaling pathway

GO cellular component

plant-type vacuole, vacuole, late endosome membrane, vacuolar lumen, Golgi membrane, endoplasmic reticulum membrane, plant-type cell wall, vacuolar membrane, integral component of membrane

GO molecular function

sucrose alpha-glucosidase activity, hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds, beta-fructofuranosidase activity

Protein domain

PfamPF08244, Glycosyl hydrolases family 32 C terminal
PfamPF11837, Domain of unknown function (DUF3357)
PfamPF00251, Glycosyl hydrolases family 32 N-terminal domain
SMARTSM00640, Glyco_32

Transcriptional regulation

AT5G13790, AT5G61850, AT2G43010


Protein-protein interaction network

The number of partners (degree) is: 2

click to view PPI network

Differentially expressed condition

8 conditions

SeriesControlTreatmentLog2FCAdj. P value
GSE17464Laer, JA+Flg22 0 hLaer, JA+Flg22 2 h-1.554.64E-02
GSE17464Laer, controlLaer, Flg22 2 h-2.361.03E-03
GSE17464Penta, controlPenta, Flg22 2 h-2.301.26E-03
GSE37269Di2, WT, controlDi2, WT, TEV 21 d-1.822.06E-02
GSE37269Ler0, WT, controlLer0, WT, TEV 21 d-1.856.14E-03
GSE5520Col, WT, control 24 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 24 h2.243.05E-02
GSE58954Col, WT, Psm AvrRpt2 0 hCol, WT, Psm AvrRpt2 6 h-2.475.25E-04
GSE9674Ws-4, AtMYB30 ox, controlWs-4, AtMYB30 ox, Xanthomonas strain Xcc147 6 h-2.071.18E-03

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