Gene: AT5G48400

Gene description

TAIR ID: AT5G48400

Short description: Glutamate receptor family protein

Pathogen responsiveness: NA

General responsiveness: -1.13


Rice: No orthologous gene
Maize: No orthologous gene
Wheat: No orthologous gene

GO biological process

response to light stimulus, cellular calcium ion homeostasis

GO cellular component

integral component of membrane, extracellular region

GO molecular function

intracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity, ionotropic glutamate receptor activity

Protein domain

PfamPF00497, Bacterial extracellular solute-binding proteins, family 3
PfamPF00060, Ligand-gated ion channel
PfamPF01094, Receptor family ligand binding region

Metabolic pathway

Not involved in metabolic pathway

KEGG pathway

Not involved in KEGG pathway

Transcriptional regulation



Protein-protein interaction network

The number of partners (degree) is: 2

click to view PPI network

Differentially expressed condition

51 conditions

SeriesControlTreatmentLog2FCAdj. P value
GSE11807Col, WT, water 4 hCol, WT, Flg22 4 h1.991.73E-02
GSE11807Col, erf104 ko, water 4 hCol, erf104 ko, Flg22 4 h2.411.02E-02
GSE12856Col, ataf1, controlCol, ataf1, Bg h1.752.30E-04
GSE17464Laer, JA+Flg22 0 hLaer, JA+Flg22 1 h1.989.99E-03
GSE17464Laer, JA+Flg22 0 hLaer, JA+Flg22 2 h2.124.24E-03
GSE17464Laer, controlLaer, Alternaria brassicicola 3 d-2.132.39E-03
GSE17464Laer, controlLaer, Flg22 1 h3.518.86E-07
GSE17464Laer, controlLaer, Flg22 2 h3.719.58E-07
GSE17464Penta, controlPenta, Alternaria brassicicola 3 d-1.781.14E-02
GSE17464Penta, controlPenta, Flg22 2 h3.518.74E-07
GSE17464Penta, controlPenta, Flg22 2 h3.631.14E-06
GSE17500Col, 35S:AFB1, control 0 hCol, 35S:AFB1, PstDC3000 24 h3.302.41E-05
GSE17500Col, WT, control 0 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 24 h3.882.92E-06
GSE17500Col, miR393, control 0 hCol, miR393, PstDC3000 24 h3.351.74E-05
GSE18978Col, WT, control 24 hCol, WT, PsmES4326 24 h5.032.72E-10
GSE21920Col, WT, mockCol, WT, Pto HopZ1a 6 h3.701.60E-09
GSE37269Ler0, WT, controlLer0, WT, TEV 21 d1.992.24E-02
GSE40544Col, WT, controlCol, WT, PstDC3000 AvrRpt24.144.59E-07
GSE40544Col, WT, controlCol, WT, PstDC3000 EV4.421.43E-07
GSE40544Col, Sid2, controlCol, Sid2, PstDC3000 AvrRpt24.621.14E-07
GSE40544Col, Sid2, controlCol, Sid2, PstDC3000 EV3.536.76E-06
GSE45212Col, WT, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 12 h1.993.12E-10
GSE45212Col, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 12 h2.704.17E-12
GSE45212Col, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 4 h2.822.64E-12
GSE45212Col, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 8 h2.851.61E-12
GSE45214Col, WT, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 4 h2.142.14E-12
GSE45214Col, med16, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, med16, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 4 h1.692.90E-11
GSE45214Col, npr1, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, npr1, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 4 h1.651.45E-10
GSE50526Col, WT, mock 24 hCol, WT, A. brassicicola 24 h3.228.41E-03
GSE50526Col, WT, mock 9 hCol, WT, A. brassicicola 9 h3.045.98E-03
GSE52979Col, WT, acetoneCol, WT, acetone flg22_24 h2.945.28E-03
GSE52979Col, WT, acetoneCol, WT, acetone flg22_2 h4.942.11E-05
GSE52979Col, WT, oxo_C14_HSLCol, WT, oxo_C14_HSL flg22_24 h2.262.44E-02
GSE52979Col, WT, oxo_C14_HSLCol, WT, oxo_C14_HSL flg22_2 h5.031.47E-05
GSE5520Col, WT, control 10 hCol, WT, Cor- 10 h3.591.01E-04
GSE5520Col, WT, control 7 hCol, WT, E.coli_0157_H7 7 h2.274.18E-02
GSE5520Col, WT, control 7 hCol, WT, E.coli_TUV86 flic- 7 h2.451.22E-02
GSE5520Col, WT, control 7 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 7 h2.073.82E-03
GSE5615Col, WT, GST 4 hCol, WT, GST+NPP1 4 h3.601.08E-13
GSE5615Col, WT, water 4 hCol, WT, Flg22 4 h2.481.21E-10
GSE5615Col, WT, water 4 hCol, WT, HrpZ 4 h3.632.80E-14
GSE58954Col, WT, Psm AvrRpt2 0 hCol, WT, Psm AvrRpt2 6 h3.781.42E-02
GSE6176Col, WT, control 12 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 HrpA- 12 h2.284.37E-06
GSE6176Col, WT, control 12 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 12 h2.983.89E-08
GSE6176Col, WT, control 2 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 HrpA- 2 h1.881.04E-03
GSE6176Col, WT, control 4 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 AvrRpm1 4 h2.741.73E-06
GSE6176Col, WT, control 4 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 HrpA- 4 h1.904.43E-04
GSE6176Col, WT, control 4 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 4 h2.042.98E-04
GSE9674Ws-4, AtMYB30 ox, controlWs-4, AtMYB30 ox, Xanthomonas strain Xcc147 2-4 h2.271.64E-05
GSE9674Ws-4, AtMYB30 ox, controlWs-4, AtMYB30 ox, Xanthomonas strain Xcc147 6 h3.035.24E-06
GSE9674Ws-4, WT, controlWs-4, WT, Xanthomonas strain Xcc147 6 h3.234.42E-06

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