Gene: AT1G53710

Gene description

TAIR ID: AT1G53710

Short description: Calcineurin-like metallo-phosphoesterase superfamily protein

Pathogen responsiveness: -1.21

General responsiveness: -1.85


Rice: No orthologous gene




GO biological process

ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport

GO cellular component

integral component of membrane, trans-Golgi network, Golgi apparatus, endosome

GO molecular function

protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity, hydrolase activity

Protein domain

PfamPF00149, Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase

Metabolic pathway

Not involved in metabolic pathway

KEGG pathway

Not involved in KEGG pathway

Transcriptional regulation



Protein-protein interaction network

No Interactor

Differentially expressed condition

8 conditions

SeriesControlTreatmentLog2FCAdj. P value
GSE26679Col, WT, GC 0 hCol, WT, GC 18 h1.687.37E-07
GSE26679Col, WT, GC 0 hCol, WT, GC 36 h1.782.57E-07
GSE26679Col, edr1, GC 0 hCol, edr1, GC 18 h2.198.16E-09
GSE26679Col, edr1, GC 0 hCol, edr1, GC 36 h2.446.85E-10
GSE45212Col, WT, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 12 h1.783.68E-14
GSE45212Col, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 12 h1.641.14E-13
GSE45212Col, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, med14, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 8 h1.706.37E-14
GSE9674Ws-4, AtMYB30 ox, controlWs-4, AtMYB30 ox, Xanthomonas strain Xcc147 6 h1.572.35E-03

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