Gene: AT4G31120

Gene description

TAIR ID: AT4G31120

Short description: SHK1 binding protein 1

Pathogen responsiveness: -1.67

General responsiveness: -1.48

GO biological process

regulation of transcription, DNA-templated, peptidyl-arginine methylation, to symmetrical-dimethyl arginine, positive regulation of vernalization response, histone H4-R3 methylation, transcription, regulation of flower development

GO cellular component

cytoplasm, cytosol, nucleus

GO molecular function

protein methyltransferase activity, histone-arginine N-methyltransferase activity

Protein domain

PfamPF05185, PRMT5 arginine-N-methyltransferase

Metabolic pathway

Not involved in metabolic pathway

Transcriptional regulation



Protein-protein interaction network

The number of partners (degree) is: 2

click to view PPI network

Differentially expressed condition

2 conditions

SeriesControlTreatmentLog2FCAdj. P value
GSE18978Col, WT, control 24 hCol, WT, PsmES4326 24 h-2.437.28E-09
GSE45212Col, WT, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 0 hCol, WT, PstDC3000 AvrRpt2 8 h-1.704.64E-10

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