Gene: AT1G24180

Gene description

TAIR ID: AT1G24180

Short description: Thiamin diphosphate-binding fold (THDP-binding) superfamily protein

Pathogen responsiveness: -1.68

General responsiveness: 0.06


Rice: No orthologous gene
Maize: No orthologous gene


GO biological process

response to salt stress, glycolytic process, acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process from pyruvate, oxidation-reduction process

GO cellular component

mitochondrial matrix, mitochondrion, cytosol, nucleus

GO molecular function

pyruvate dehydrogenase (acetyl-transferring) activity

Protein domain

PfamPF00676, Dehydrogenase E1 component

Transcriptional regulation

AT1G24260, AT5G61850, AT4G36990


Protein-protein interaction network

The number of partners (degree) is: 1

click to view PPI network

Differentially expressed condition

2 conditions

SeriesControlTreatmentLog2FCAdj. P value
GSE37269Ei2, WT, controlEi2, WT, TEV 21 d-1.652.00E-02
GSE50526Col, WT, mock 24 hCol, WT, A. brassicicola 24 h1.844.62E-03

Copyright © 2017 Ziding Zhang's Lab - China Agricultural University. All Rights Reserved.