Here, we introduce a comprehensive human-virus PPI database, HVIDB (, which is based on (i) multiple data resources associated with human-virus PPIs and provides (ii) an integrative, computational platform to predict interactions between human and virus proteins.

Currently, HVIDB highlights 48,643 experimentally verified human-virus PPIs covering 35 virus families, 6,633 virally targeted host complexes, 3,572 host dependency/restriction factors as well as 911 experimentally verified/predicted 3D complex structures of human-virus PPIs. Furthermore, our database resource provides tissue-specific expression atlas for 6,790 human genes that are targeted by viruses and 129 GEO series of differentially expressed genes post viral infections.

Data summaryUpdated 25 June 2020
Human-virus PPIs48,643
Viral families35
3D complex structures911
GEO series of DEGs post viral infection (RNA-Seq)34 series (121 control-infection groups)
GEO series of DEGs post viral infection (Microarray)95 series (411 control-infection groups)
Human tissue-specific expression atlas6,790
Virally targeted human complexes6,633
Host factors3,572
GO enrichments600 viral targeted human protein lists
KEGG enrichments604 viral targeted human protein lists


Yang X, Lian X, Fu C, Wuchty S, Yang S, Zhang Z. (2021) HVIDB: a comprehensive database for human-virus protein-protein interactions. Briefings in Bioinformatics 22:832-844. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbaa425