HVIDB is a comprehensive resource and analysis platform for human-virus protein-protein interactions.
HVIDB provides customizable annotations such as human-virus interaction network, experimental and predicted 3D complex structures of human-virus PPIs, host factor annotations, GO and KEGG enrichment analysis for virally-targeted human proteins, differential expression analysis under viral infection and tissue specific expression analysis.
This platform is developed and maintained by Xiaodi Yang at College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University

User manual

1、Search an interested human-virus PPI
You can input an interested human/viral protein (#1 UniProt ID, Protein name/gene name, etc) to obtain related human-virus PPI network (#2). If you query a viral protein, you can obtain the enriched GO enrichment terms or KEGG pathways for virally targeted human protein list (#3). Then, you can further query an interested human-virus PPI by clicking the PPI in the list (#4)

HVIDB also allows users to explore PPI data and associated auxiliary information by browsing through corresponding lists, covering human-virus PPIs, 3D complex structural information, virally targeted human complexes, differentially expression information and host factors (#1). For example, DEG information can be accessed through (#2).
Furthermore, HVIDB cross links PPI information with targets of other single viruses or viral families (#3). For example, users can obtain PPI information featured virus (SARS-CoV-2) participates in (#4).
2、Multi-faceted functional annotations surrounding the query PPI
The specific resource information is divided into the following six aspects:

How to cite HVIDB

Yang X, Lian X, Fu C, Wuchty S, Yang S, Zhang Z. (2021) HVIDB: a comprehensive database for human-virus protein-protein interactions. Briefings in Bioinformatics 22:832-844. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbaa425

Contact us

If you have any questions about HVIDB, please contact us through xiao_di_yang@163.com.


This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFC1200205).