Gene: AT1G56160

Gene description

TAIR ID: AT1G56160

Short description: myb domain protein 72

Pathogen responsiveness: -1.50

General responsiveness: -0.64



OS02G0695200   OS02G0624300  

Maize: No orthologous gene
Wheat: No orthologous gene

GO biological process

regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter, cell differentiation, cellular response to ethylene stimulus, induced systemic resistance, ethylene mediated signaling pathway, regulation of transcription, DNA-templated, cellular response to iron ion, cellular response to nitric oxide

GO cellular component


GO molecular function

transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding, transcription regulatory region DNA binding, RNA polymerase II transcription factor recruiting, RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity

Protein domain

PfamPF00249, Myb-like DNA-binding domain

Metabolic pathway

Not involved in metabolic pathway

KEGG pathway

Not involved in KEGG pathway

Transcriptional regulation



Protein-protein interaction network

The number of partners (degree) is: 1

click to view PPI network

Coexpression network

GSE13739_EDS16_GO  view

Differentially expressed condition

4 conditions

SeriesControlTreatmentLog2FCAdj. P value
GSE52979Col, WT, acetoneCol, WT, acetone flg22_24 h-2.833.84E-02
GSE52979Col, WT, acetoneCol, WT, acetone flg22_2 h-2.584.15E-02
GSE52979Col, WT, oxo_C14_HSLCol, WT, oxo_C14_HSL flg22_24 h-4.024.47E-03
GSE52979Col, WT, oxo_C14_HSLCol, WT, oxo_C14_HSL flg22_2 h-3.942.74E-03

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