jobid 20250201070230 is done!
submite: 2025-02-01 07:02:30 finish: 2025-02-01 07:04:08
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no Note: Only the prediction score > 0.5 (i.e. specificity > 99%) is predicted as an interaction.
Note: Display the first 10000 records
[Download result as txt] [Query pathogen sequence] [Query arabidopsis sequence]
submite: 2025-02-01 07:02:30 finish: 2025-02-01 07:04:08
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Results on this server will be retained for 30 days.
no Note: Only the prediction score > 0.5 (i.e. specificity > 99%) is predicted as an interaction.
Note: Display the first 10000 records
[Download result as txt] [Query pathogen sequence] [Query arabidopsis sequence]
Host ID | Pathogen ID | Prediction score | Interaction |
g36248.R4 | jgi|PpacPPUFV02|10024|CE10023_77 | 0.00014618797 | No |
g36248.R4 | jgi|PpacPPUFV02|1028480|CE1028479_1748 | 0.00018739246 | No |
g36248.R4 | jgi|PpacPPUFV02|1043976|CE1043975_962 | 0.0009892334 | No |
g36248.R4 | jgi|PpacPPUFV02|1049903|CE1049902_404 | 0.00026443545 | No |