Gene type: Transcription factor Metabolic gene Others DE type: Up Down Slightly_up Slightly_down Mixeded Others

GO Enrichment Analysis of Co-expressed Genes with


RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0015914: phospholipid transport1.30E-06
2GO:0007034: vacuolar transport5.17E-05
3GO:0016192: vesicle-mediated transport9.86E-04
4GO:0006979: response to oxidative stress2.89E-03
5GO:0050832: defense response to fungus6.05E-03
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0031902: late endosome membrane2.70E-04
2GO:0000139: Golgi membrane3.53E-03
3GO:0005789: endoplasmic reticulum membrane3.83E-03
4GO:0016020: membrane5.10E-03
5GO:0005774: vacuolar membrane6.73E-03
6GO:0005773: vacuole9.07E-03
7GO:0009506: plasmodesma1.74E-02
8GO:0005794: Golgi apparatus2.16E-02
9GO:0005886: plasma membrane2.75E-02
10GO:0016021: integral component of membrane4.83E-02
Gene type

Gene DE type