Gene type: Transcription factor Metabolic gene Others DE type: Up Down Slightly_up Slightly_down Mixeded Others

GO Enrichment Analysis of Co-expressed Genes with


RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0006032: chitin catabolic process3.41E-05
2GO:0000272: polysaccharide catabolic process3.83E-05
3GO:0009611: response to wounding4.45E-05
4GO:0009887: animal organ morphogenesis5.17E-05
5GO:0016998: cell wall macromolecule catabolic process7.70E-05
6GO:0008283: cell proliferation2.85E-04
7GO:0009664: plant-type cell wall organization3.33E-04
8GO:0009751: response to salicylic acid1.21E-03
9GO:0009753: response to jasmonic acid1.28E-03
10GO:0030154: cell differentiation3.04E-03
11GO:0007275: multicellular organism development4.55E-03
12GO:0009737: response to abscisic acid4.81E-03
13GO:0050832: defense response to fungus6.05E-03
14GO:0006508: proteolysis6.19E-03
15GO:0006952: defense response9.36E-03
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0004568: chitinase activity3.41E-05
2GO:0008083: growth factor activity5.17E-05
3GO:0008061: chitin binding5.65E-05
4GO:0004867: serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity5.65E-05
5GO:0005199: structural constituent of cell wall1.11E-04
6GO:0008233: peptidase activity9.45E-04
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0009530: primary cell wall2.51E-06
2GO:0031012: extracellular matrix4.72E-05
3GO:0005576: extracellular region8.72E-05
4GO:0048046: apoplast6.96E-03
5GO:0005618: cell wall7.40E-03
6GO:0005794: Golgi apparatus2.16E-02
Gene type

Gene DE type