Gene type: Transcription factor Metabolic gene Others DE type: Up Down Slightly_up Slightly_down Mixeded Others

GO Enrichment Analysis of Co-expressed Genes with


RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0006412: translation3.79E-112
2GO:0042254: ribosome biogenesis8.74E-32
3GO:0000027: ribosomal large subunit assembly1.44E-09
4GO:0000028: ribosomal small subunit assembly2.92E-09
5GO:0006626: protein targeting to mitochondrion4.98E-06
6GO:0009955: adaxial/abaxial pattern specification3.53E-05
7GO:0006407: rRNA export from nucleus1.06E-04
8GO:0030490: maturation of SSU-rRNA1.06E-04
9GO:0000461: endonucleolytic cleavage to generate mature 3'-end of SSU-rRNA from (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA)1.06E-04
10GO:0000447: endonucleolytic cleavage in ITS1 to separate SSU-rRNA from 5.8S rRNA and LSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA)1.06E-04
11GO:0048569: post-embryonic animal organ development2.48E-04
12GO:1902626: assembly of large subunit precursor of preribosome4.12E-04
13GO:0002181: cytoplasmic translation4.12E-04
14GO:0042256: mature ribosome assembly4.12E-04
15GO:0070301: cellular response to hydrogen peroxide5.92E-04
16GO:0006241: CTP biosynthetic process5.92E-04
17GO:0006165: nucleoside diphosphate phosphorylation5.92E-04
18GO:0006228: UTP biosynthetic process5.92E-04
19GO:0006183: GTP biosynthetic process7.86E-04
20GO:0045040: protein import into mitochondrial outer membrane1.21E-03
21GO:0000470: maturation of LSU-rRNA1.21E-03
22GO:0009735: response to cytokinin1.58E-03
23GO:0006526: arginine biosynthetic process2.24E-03
24GO:0010102: lateral root morphogenesis4.16E-03
25GO:0030150: protein import into mitochondrial matrix5.65E-03
26GO:0007005: mitochondrion organization6.87E-03
27GO:0009793: embryo development ending in seed dormancy1.88E-02
28GO:0008283: cell proliferation2.34E-02
29GO:0009644: response to high light intensity2.47E-02
30GO:0009965: leaf morphogenesis2.54E-02
31GO:0042787: protein ubiquitination involved in ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process2.68E-02
32GO:0015031: protein transport2.94E-02
33GO:0009620: response to fungus3.49E-02
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0004055: argininosuccinate synthase activity0.00E+00
2GO:0003735: structural constituent of ribosome2.43E-125
3GO:0003729: mRNA binding5.46E-26
4GO:0019843: rRNA binding6.05E-14
5GO:0015450: P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven protein transmembrane transporter activity1.27E-04
6GO:0004550: nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity5.92E-04
7GO:0008097: 5S rRNA binding5.92E-04
8GO:0044183: protein binding involved in protein folding3.47E-03
9GO:0015266: protein channel activity4.16E-03
10GO:0003723: RNA binding1.57E-02
11GO:0051082: unfolded protein binding3.72E-02
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0022625: cytosolic large ribosomal subunit1.85E-81
2GO:0005840: ribosome3.12E-77
3GO:0022626: cytosolic ribosome6.14E-77
4GO:0022627: cytosolic small ribosomal subunit1.21E-49
5GO:0005737: cytoplasm5.42E-30
6GO:0009506: plasmodesma1.19E-17
7GO:0005829: cytosol8.24E-15
8GO:0015934: large ribosomal subunit8.41E-15
9GO:0005774: vacuolar membrane3.58E-14
10GO:0005730: nucleolus3.65E-14
11GO:0015935: small ribosomal subunit2.57E-09
12GO:0005773: vacuole1.48E-07
13GO:0005618: cell wall2.59E-07
14GO:0016020: membrane3.48E-07
15GO:0030686: 90S preribosome1.06E-04
16GO:0005758: mitochondrial intermembrane space3.49E-04
17GO:0005886: plasma membrane3.58E-04
18GO:0016272: prefoldin complex1.45E-03
19GO:0009507: chloroplast1.95E-03
20GO:0005742: mitochondrial outer membrane translocase complex2.24E-03
21GO:0031307: integral component of mitochondrial outer membrane3.81E-03
22GO:0005743: mitochondrial inner membrane2.17E-02
Gene type

Gene DE type