Gene type: Transcription factor Metabolic gene Others DE type: Up Down Slightly_up Slightly_down Mixeded Others

GO Enrichment Analysis of Co-expressed Genes with


RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0032204: regulation of telomere maintenance2.32E-06
2GO:0043247: telomere maintenance in response to DNA damage2.32E-06
3GO:0033044: regulation of chromosome organization2.32E-06
4GO:0010270: photosystem II oxygen evolving complex assembly6.50E-06
5GO:0032504: multicellular organism reproduction1.23E-05
6GO:0007004: telomere maintenance via telomerase1.94E-05
7GO:0016556: mRNA modification1.94E-05
8GO:0006282: regulation of DNA repair3.71E-05
9GO:0010044: response to aluminum ion7.04E-05
10GO:0009451: RNA modification7.12E-05
11GO:0006303: double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining9.62E-05
12GO:0010332: response to gamma radiation1.10E-04
13GO:1900865: chloroplast RNA modification1.24E-04
14GO:0031425: chloroplast RNA processing1.24E-04
15GO:0016226: iron-sulfur cluster assembly3.08E-04
16GO:0031347: regulation of defense response1.08E-03
17GO:0006281: DNA repair4.23E-03
18GO:0006397: mRNA processing4.35E-03
19GO:0009793: embryo development ending in seed dormancy1.86E-02
20GO:0006952: defense response3.48E-02
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0004519: endonuclease activity5.16E-06
2GO:0004047: aminomethyltransferase activity6.50E-06
3GO:0003723: RNA binding6.43E-04
4GO:0003993: acid phosphatase activity8.37E-04
5GO:0003690: double-stranded DNA binding1.18E-03
6GO:0004722: protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity3.90E-03
7GO:0016740: transferase activity7.20E-03
8GO:0016787: hydrolase activity1.76E-02
9GO:0004674: protein serine/threonine kinase activity3.20E-02
Gene type

Gene DE type