Gene type: Transcription factor Metabolic gene Others DE type: Up Down Slightly_up Slightly_down Mixeded Others

GO Enrichment Analysis of Co-expressed Genes with


RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0009408: response to heat3.54E-12
2GO:0042542: response to hydrogen peroxide8.32E-09
3GO:0009644: response to high light intensity1.04E-08
4GO:0034620: cellular response to unfolded protein9.19E-07
5GO:0010286: heat acclimation1.27E-06
6GO:0009266: response to temperature stimulus9.53E-05
7GO:0034605: cellular response to heat9.53E-05
8GO:0071456: cellular response to hypoxia1.49E-04
9GO:0006885: regulation of pH1.98E-04
10GO:0001666: response to hypoxia2.95E-04
11GO:0009615: response to virus2.95E-04
12GO:0006812: cation transport5.66E-04
13GO:0006813: potassium ion transport5.92E-04
14GO:0009617: response to bacterium1.18E-03
15GO:0010200: response to chitin1.65E-03
16GO:0045893: positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated3.37E-03
17GO:0006457: protein folding3.66E-03
18GO:0006979: response to oxidative stress4.99E-03
19GO:0046686: response to cadmium ion6.75E-03
20GO:0016567: protein ubiquitination1.08E-02
21GO:0006351: transcription, DNA-templated1.32E-02
22GO:0006355: regulation of transcription, DNA-templated2.01E-02
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0005451: monovalent cation:proton antiporter activity1.88E-04
2GO:0015299: solute:proton antiporter activity2.09E-04
3GO:0015385: sodium:proton antiporter activity2.51E-04
4GO:0043621: protein self-association5.13E-04
5GO:0031625: ubiquitin protein ligase binding6.32E-04
6GO:0044212: transcription regulatory region DNA binding4.97E-03
7GO:0016491: oxidoreductase activity6.01E-03
8GO:0043565: sequence-specific DNA binding1.56E-02
9GO:0005515: protein binding2.66E-02
Gene type

Gene DE type