Gene type: Transcription factor Metabolic gene Others DE type: Up Down Slightly_up Slightly_down Mixeded Others

GO Enrichment Analysis of Co-expressed Genes with


RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0033587: shikimate biosynthetic process0.00E+00
2GO:0043048: dolichyl monophosphate biosynthetic process0.00E+00
3GO:0061416: regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to salt stress0.00E+00
4GO:0010483: pollen tube reception1.52E-05
5GO:0006098: pentose-phosphate shunt6.35E-05
6GO:0008654: phospholipid biosynthetic process2.72E-04
7GO:0009809: lignin biosynthetic process7.24E-04
8GO:0006486: protein glycosylation7.24E-04
9GO:0009790: embryo development1.16E-03
10GO:0006470: protein dephosphorylation1.41E-03
11GO:0009414: response to water deprivation6.06E-03
12GO:0005975: carbohydrate metabolic process8.23E-03
13GO:0046686: response to cadmium ion8.39E-03
14GO:0009737: response to abscisic acid1.04E-02
15GO:0009651: response to salt stress1.44E-02
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0004168: dolichol kinase activity0.00E+00
2GO:0004801: sedoheptulose-7-phosphate:D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate glyceronetransferase activity1.21E-06
3GO:0004605: phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase activity2.65E-05
4GO:0004722: protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity2.38E-03
5GO:0016757: transferase activity, transferring glycosyl groups1.46E-02
Gene type

Gene DE type