Gene type: Transcription factor Metabolic gene Others DE type: Up Down Slightly_up Slightly_down Mixeded Others

GO Enrichment Analysis of Co-expressed Genes with


RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0010078: maintenance of root meristem identity4.74E-05
2GO:0043562: cellular response to nitrogen levels5.52E-05
3GO:0009684: indoleacetic acid biosynthetic process9.04E-05
4GO:0010588: cotyledon vascular tissue pattern formation1.10E-04
5GO:0048467: gynoecium development1.20E-04
6GO:0019915: lipid storage1.74E-04
7GO:0080022: primary root development2.34E-04
8GO:0010087: phloem or xylem histogenesis2.34E-04
9GO:0009958: positive gravitropism2.47E-04
10GO:0048825: cotyledon development2.72E-04
11GO:0009851: auxin biosynthetic process2.72E-04
12GO:0009627: systemic acquired resistance3.92E-04
13GO:0048527: lateral root development4.78E-04
14GO:0048367: shoot system development8.23E-04
15GO:0009723: response to ethylene1.89E-03
16GO:0016042: lipid catabolic process2.52E-03
17GO:0009908: flower development3.54E-03
18GO:0042742: defense response to bacterium6.16E-03
19GO:0006979: response to oxidative stress6.19E-03
20GO:0015031: protein transport7.28E-03
21GO:0046686: response to cadmium ion8.39E-03
22GO:0055114: oxidation-reduction process1.01E-02
23GO:0009793: embryo development ending in seed dormancy1.11E-02
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0080097: L-tryptophan:pyruvate aminotransferase activity3.46E-06
2GO:0050362: L-tryptophan:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity3.46E-06
3GO:0016846: carbon-sulfur lyase activity2.06E-05
4GO:0016705: oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen1.07E-03
5GO:0016788: hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds1.74E-03
6GO:0004497: monooxygenase activity1.98E-03
7GO:0052689: carboxylic ester hydrolase activity2.12E-03
8GO:0003924: GTPase activity2.57E-03
9GO:0019825: oxygen binding4.83E-03
10GO:0005525: GTP binding5.34E-03
11GO:0005506: iron ion binding6.09E-03
12GO:0016491: oxidoreductase activity7.46E-03
13GO:0020037: heme binding8.46E-03
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0010287: plastoglobule1.01E-03
2GO:0009534: chloroplast thylakoid4.32E-03
3GO:0005768: endosome5.73E-03
4GO:0005789: endoplasmic reticulum membrane8.27E-03
5GO:0016021: integral component of membrane8.88E-03
6GO:0009535: chloroplast thylakoid membrane1.08E-02
7GO:0048046: apoplast1.53E-02
8GO:0009941: chloroplast envelope1.83E-02
Gene type

Gene DE type