Gene type: Transcription factor Metabolic gene Others DE type: Up Down Slightly_up Slightly_down Mixeded Others

GO Enrichment Analysis of Co-expressed Genes with


RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0009664: plant-type cell wall organization2.05E-08
2GO:0009725: response to hormone5.33E-04
3GO:0019762: glucosinolate catabolic process6.66E-04
4GO:0009831: plant-type cell wall modification involved in multidimensional cell growth9.02E-04
5GO:0009828: plant-type cell wall loosening1.43E-03
6GO:0019760: glucosinolate metabolic process1.43E-03
7GO:0009826: unidimensional cell growth7.95E-03
8GO:0006629: lipid metabolic process1.25E-02
9GO:0055085: transmembrane transport2.22E-02
10GO:0006810: transport4.08E-02
11GO:0005975: carbohydrate metabolic process4.18E-02
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0005199: structural constituent of cell wall1.43E-07
2GO:0019137: thioglucosidase activity1.52E-04
3GO:0047196: long-chain-alcohol O-fatty-acyltransferase activity2.91E-04
4GO:0103095: wax ester synthase activity2.91E-04
5GO:0004089: carbonate dehydratase activity5.33E-04
6GO:0102483: scopolin beta-glucosidase activity1.79E-03
7GO:0004553: hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds2.36E-03
8GO:0008422: beta-glucosidase activity2.39E-03
9GO:0035091: phosphatidylinositol binding2.81E-03
10GO:0022857: transmembrane transporter activity3.98E-03
11GO:0016746: transferase activity, transferring acyl groups4.23E-03
12GO:0004252: serine-type endopeptidase activity5.19E-03
13GO:0042626: ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances7.11E-03
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0009530: primary cell wall4.33E-05
2GO:0005576: extracellular region2.52E-02
Gene type

Gene DE type