Gene type: Transcription factor Metabolic gene Others DE type: Up Down Slightly_up Slightly_down Mixeded Others

GO Enrichment Analysis of Co-expressed Genes with


RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0071482: cellular response to light stimulus2.28E-05
2GO:0009624: response to nematode4.41E-04
3GO:0006396: RNA processing4.49E-04
4GO:0006979: response to oxidative stress2.89E-03
5GO:0055114: oxidation-reduction process2.94E-03
6GO:0006810: transport3.73E-03
7GO:0046686: response to cadmium ion3.88E-03
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0008886: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP+) (non-phosphorylating) activity4.48E-07
2GO:0004028: 3-chloroallyl aldehyde dehydrogenase activity3.02E-05
3GO:0003954: NADH dehydrogenase activity6.64E-05
4GO:0016887: ATPase activity1.63E-03
5GO:0005215: transporter activity3.07E-03
6GO:0016491: oxidoreductase activity3.46E-03
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0031304: intrinsic component of mitochondrial inner membrane1.30E-06
2GO:0005777: peroxisome1.96E-03
3GO:0005886: plasma membrane2.75E-02
4GO:0005737: cytoplasm3.58E-02
Gene type

Gene DE type