Gene type: Transcription factor Metabolic gene Others DE type: Up Down Slightly_up Slightly_down Mixeded Others

GO Enrichment Analysis of Co-expressed Genes with


RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0017006: protein-tetrapyrrole linkage8.33E-06
2GO:0009584: detection of visible light1.33E-05
3GO:0006564: L-serine biosynthetic process2.57E-05
4GO:0006415: translational termination1.11E-04
5GO:0010017: red or far-red light signaling pathway2.25E-04
6GO:0048481: plant ovule development5.20E-04
7GO:0018298: protein-chromophore linkage5.20E-04
8GO:0010043: response to zinc ion5.70E-04
9GO:0046686: response to cadmium ion7.28E-04
10GO:0009846: pollen germination8.25E-04
11GO:0009585: red, far-red light phototransduction8.63E-04
12GO:0000398: mRNA splicing, via spliceosome1.18E-03
13GO:0040008: regulation of growth1.49E-03
14GO:0009735: response to cytokinin4.30E-03
15GO:0009555: pollen development4.57E-03
16GO:0009737: response to abscisic acid1.27E-02
17GO:0016310: phosphorylation1.40E-02
18GO:0009651: response to salt stress1.75E-02
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0004648: O-phospho-L-serine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity1.54E-06
2GO:0009883: red or far-red light photoreceptor activity4.37E-06
3GO:0008020: G-protein coupled photoreceptor activity8.33E-06
4GO:0016149: translation release factor activity, codon specific1.33E-05
5GO:0016656: monodehydroascorbate reductase (NADH) activity1.33E-05
6GO:0004012: phospholipid-translocating ATPase activity4.09E-05
7GO:0009881: photoreceptor activity4.94E-05
8GO:0003747: translation release factor activity7.81E-05
9GO:0000155: phosphorelay sensor kinase activity1.34E-04
10GO:0015662: ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of ions, phosphorylative mechanism1.34E-04
11GO:0042802: identical protein binding1.81E-03
12GO:0000287: magnesium ion binding2.03E-03
13GO:0050660: flavin adenine dinucleotide binding2.27E-03
14GO:0042803: protein homodimerization activity2.77E-03
15GO:0004871: signal transducer activity2.77E-03
16GO:0003676: nucleic acid binding2.02E-02
17GO:0003723: RNA binding3.20E-02
18GO:0005515: protein binding4.98E-02
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0009570: chloroplast stroma2.90E-03
2GO:0009536: plastid8.58E-03
3GO:0005789: endoplasmic reticulum membrane1.00E-02
4GO:0005886: plasma membrane3.11E-02
5GO:0005737: cytoplasm4.30E-02
Gene type

Gene DE type