Gene type: Transcription factor Metabolic gene Others DE type: Up Down Slightly_up Slightly_down Mixeded Others

GO Enrichment Analysis of Co-expressed Genes with


RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:1902001: fatty acid transmembrane transport0.00E+00
2GO:0071668: plant-type cell wall assembly1.91E-06
3GO:0055088: lipid homeostasis1.91E-06
4GO:0015908: fatty acid transport1.91E-06
5GO:0005513: detection of calcium ion1.18E-05
6GO:0009612: response to mechanical stimulus1.91E-05
7GO:0010208: pollen wall assembly3.25E-05
8GO:0009735: response to cytokinin2.26E-03
9GO:0006952: defense response1.28E-02
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0015245: fatty acid transporter activity6.64E-07
2GO:0005509: calcium ion binding3.66E-03
3GO:0003676: nucleic acid binding1.03E-02
4GO:0005515: protein binding1.78E-02
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0009706: chloroplast inner membrane5.87E-04
2GO:0009536: plastid4.45E-03
3GO:0005829: cytosol9.27E-03
4GO:0009941: chloroplast envelope1.13E-02
Gene type

Gene DE type