Gene type: Transcription factor Metabolic gene Others DE type: Up Down Slightly_up Slightly_down Mixeded Others

GO Enrichment Analysis of Co-expressed Genes with


RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0048358: mucilage pectin biosynthetic process1.21E-06
2GO:0010393: galacturonan metabolic process1.21E-06
3GO:0071217: cellular response to external biotic stimulus3.46E-06
4GO:0046898: response to cycloheximide3.46E-06
5GO:0010272: response to silver ion6.60E-06
6GO:0080001: mucilage extrusion from seed coat1.06E-05
7GO:1902183: regulation of shoot apical meristem development2.06E-05
8GO:0048359: mucilage metabolic process involved in seed coat development2.06E-05
9GO:0047484: regulation of response to osmotic stress2.65E-05
10GO:1901001: negative regulation of response to salt stress3.30E-05
11GO:1902074: response to salt3.99E-05
12GO:0045995: regulation of embryonic development3.99E-05
13GO:0009827: plant-type cell wall modification5.52E-05
14GO:2000024: regulation of leaf development6.35E-05
15GO:0007064: mitotic sister chromatid cohesion8.11E-05
16GO:0010192: mucilage biosynthetic process8.11E-05
17GO:0006446: regulation of translational initiation1.20E-04
18GO:0009944: polarity specification of adaxial/abaxial axis1.52E-04
19GO:0010073: meristem maintenance1.63E-04
20GO:0009556: microsporogenesis2.72E-04
21GO:0001666: response to hypoxia3.65E-04
22GO:0006974: cellular response to DNA damage stimulus3.92E-04
23GO:0009407: toxin catabolic process4.63E-04
24GO:0009636: response to toxic substance6.44E-04
25GO:0009909: regulation of flower development7.73E-04
26GO:0009620: response to fungus8.57E-04
27GO:0009624: response to nematode9.07E-04
28GO:0009790: embryo development1.16E-03
29GO:0009617: response to bacterium1.45E-03
30GO:0045892: negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated2.26E-03
31GO:0006281: DNA repair2.57E-03
32GO:0009908: flower development3.54E-03
33GO:0009611: response to wounding3.85E-03
34GO:0045893: positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated4.17E-03
35GO:0009414: response to water deprivation6.06E-03
36GO:0006979: response to oxidative stress6.19E-03
37GO:0030154: cell differentiation6.54E-03
38GO:0009733: response to auxin6.67E-03
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0003713: transcription coactivator activity2.47E-04
2GO:0004364: glutathione transferase activity5.82E-04
3GO:0003743: translation initiation factor activity1.43E-03
4GO:0003924: GTPase activity2.57E-03
5GO:0005525: GTP binding5.34E-03
RankGO TermAdjusted P value
1GO:0000785: chromatin2.97E-04
2GO:0009506: plasmodesma4.36E-03
3GO:0005634: nucleus3.78E-02
4GO:0005794: Golgi apparatus4.78E-02
Gene type

Gene DE type