Created on 2020-08-18 @author: Chen Fu ( Email: Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. README for HDFP =============== HDFP is a human gene functional network-informed prediction method based on a machine learning algorithm to infer the potential HIV-1 HDFs. Citing HDFP =============== Chen Fu, Shiping Yang, Xiaodi Yang, Xianyi Lian, Yan Huang, Xiaobao Dong and Ziding Zhang (2020) A human gene functional network-informed prediction of HIV-1 host dependency factors. Manuscript submitted. INSTALL =============== Required 1) Python3.6 or newer, 2) Python packages $ pip install -U scikit-learn == 0.21 $ pip install pandas == 0.24 $ pip install numpy == 1.16 $ pip install scipy == 1.3 $ pip install joblib == 0.13 USAGE =============== $ tar -zxvf HDFP.tar.gz $ cd HDFP python [-i] [-o] [-d] [-h] Example: python -i -o example_result -d GIANT_feature_matrix.txt OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS =============== -i The file contains Entrez Gene ID of test data. -o The file contains the result of prediction. -d GIANT matrix. Note that if you want to predict, this file must be downloaded from our website. The file size is about 7G. -h Print USAGE, DESCRIPTION and ARGUMENT messages. DESCRIPTION =============== Name: HDFP Version: 1.0 Update Time: 2020-08-18